20200821 Kiva Texture Mint
20200821 Home Occasions Netflix
Small Texture Mint

Time to unwind

Relaxation is the number one reason why people use cannabis. Which means you've come to the right place. So take a deep breath and relax. Kiva's got your back.

Small Texture Mint

Recommended products for relaxation

Less is more when it comes to edibles. To make dosing a little easier for you, we've provided some suggestions for each product below. Cannabis products are not one-size-fits-all, so these suggestions are simply a starting point to help you find the edible that works best for your specific needs.

Where to buy

Playlist: Chill

Cannabis + music is a match made in heaven. Just like Wild Berry Camino, these tunes will take your mind to the land of laid-back.

Your virtual budtender

There's nothing sweeter than finding the right product for your desired edible experience. These thoughtful recommendations are based on ingredients, flavors, formats, and actual consumer and budtender feedback. Cannabis products are not one-size-fits-all, so these suggestions are simply a starting point to help you find the edible that works best for your specific needs.

There's nothing sweeter than finding the right product for your desired edible experience. These thoughtful recommendations are based on ingredients, flavors, formats, and actual consumer and budtender feedback. Cannabis products are not one-size-fits-all, so these suggestions are simply a starting point to help you find the edible that works best for your specific needs.

Find another sweet spot